
Swinger's Diner on Beverly Dr

This popular hang out spot has been my main work station while waiting for the internet to get connected at my place. Although service ranges from outstanding to so so I still give them major props for: awesome breakfast all day long with lots of vegan options, cool atmosphere, free wireless Internet, being open until 4am and nice supply of cute rocker dudes producers, writers and other industry mavens....most of them pretty wasted but always entertaining. The manager always goes out of his way to meet my needs and the coffee keeps on coming untill I can't take the jidders anymore:)

A little background info on me:)

I was born in Poland and lived in Germany for about 10 years. I lived 4 hours to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam and only a short flight away to Spain, Italy or England. I have been to almost every major city in every country in Europe. Traveling is what makes me happy. I always tell my friends: The best thing you can do for yourself is to travel". I began my culinary career when I was 16. I made pizzas from scratch at a local pizza joint. While working on my business degree I have worked every single hospitality industry job that's out there. A hostess, waitress, bartender and eventually, the executive pastry chef for the US Air Force. About two years ago I decided to move to the United States to follow my dreams of producing my own cooking/traveling TV show. After living and working in Las Vegas for a little over a year, I'm finally here in Hollywood ready to figure out what it takes to turn my dreams into reality!